A Roman Catholic Community
Why a Capital Campaign?
"[The capital campaign] is a tangible way of showing that we are ‘Grateful for God’s Providence,’ which we have all experienced over the years, while also creating a beautiful legacy for future generations.” - Bishop Thomas J. Tobin
The “Grateful for God’s Providence” capital campaign will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Providence, to be celebrated in 2022. Begun in January 2018, the campaign is set to run for two years with a minimum goal of $50 million to support the church’s mission in Rhode Island and maintain the viability of parish and diocesan funds.
The Campaign will have an overall goal of $50 million, and its purpose is to provide greatly needed funding for several causes: the education of seminarians, support for our retired priests, tuition assistance for Catholic Schools, support for Catholic charities and social ministry, funding for the preservation of our beautiful cathedral, and, very significantly, for our parishes, the communities where Catholics regularly experience and practice their faith.
Of the campaign’s $50 million goal, $20 million will remain in local parishes to meet needs determined by parish leadership. Each parish will be assigned a goal based upon their weekly collection income, with 40 percent of funds collected up to the goal returning to the parish and 60 percent of funds returning once the goal has been surpassed.
“Grateful for God’s Providence” will support the Catholic Church’s mission in Rhode Island . . .
Our Goals
St. John Vianney, Cumberland
Pastor: Rev. Joseph A. Pescatello
GGP Goal: $762,381
Parish Portion: $304,952
The funds raised through Grateful for God’s Providence campaign will provide the parish:
Project 1: Replacement of the church roof.
Project 2: Power washing and painting the exterior of the church.
Project 3: Painting of the Church Hall and basement.
Project 4: Office building: Septic tank & new parking lot.
Project 5: Upgrade to a laser projector system to enhance our shared worship experience.